Dates for the new session

Dates for organisations and events over the coming year are now on the church calendar. Click on the picture of a calendar page at the bottom right hand side of this page to view the calendar month by month. Check back regularly as dates may be added or changed.

Volunteers Night

Many of the people who volunteer in the church turned up at the Dock Cafe on Tuesday 26 August 2014 for a cuppa, a sticky bun and an opportunity to relax and chat together. Have a look at the photos.

Saying ‘Thank You’

On Sunday 27 July 2014 we joined with the Hawkins family and friends in thanksgiving for their son, Zac. 5 year old Zac celebrated alongside his mum, Kim, dad, Harry and older sister Sarah.  As a church family we promised to continue to pray for Zac and his family and...

Welcome to our Church Family!

On Sunday 20 July 2014 we welcomed Caleb into our church family as his Mum, Debbie and Dad, Simon, joined with family and friends to celebrate Caleb’s baptism. We pray God’s richest blessing on this young family as Caleb grows up.

Family & Children’s Worker

On Sunday 13 July 2014 Rev Karen Spence welcomed Steph Glenn, our new family & children’s worker, to her post as she introduced Steph to the congregation.  We pray God’s blessing on Steph as she takes up her responsibilities which include developing...

Evening Services during the summer

As we have done in previous years we will join with the congregations of St Brendan’s Church of Ireland and Strand Presbyterian for our Sunday evening services, at 7.00 pm, during the summer months of July and August. 27 July and 3 & 10 August will be in our...