Sunday 27 June 2010 was the last Sunday with Rev Greg Alexander as our minister. Greg preached at both services; in the morning he urged us to ‘fix our eyes on Jesus’ and in the evening he preached on ‘The Grace’ that we often share with each other at the close of a service. Go to the Resources section to download the sermons. In the evening we had a joint service with the congregations of St Brendan’s and Strand Presbyterian, and we were pleased to welcome the President of the Methodist Church in Togo who brought greetings from Togo. After yet more food, a cup of tea and a biscuit, it really was time for final hugs and good-byes; and there ended another era for Sydenham Methodist. We thank God for all the ways in which he has ministered to us through the faithful service of both Greg and Shirley, and we pray that God will continue to be with them as they start the next chapter of their lives,  living and working for our great and glorious God.