Who are we?

Located in east Belfast, we are a vibrant outward-looking suburban Christian community which seeks to build for the kingdom of God by declaring in word and in action the love and grace of God found in Jesus Christ. Our congregation reflects a diverse range of ages, from young children to senior citizens.

In valuing unity and fellowship, we rejoice in the uniqueness of every individual, and seek to ensure that everyone feels welcome and included as an integral part of our church family.  We encourage every follower of Christ to engage in service appropriate to the gifts that God has given.  We seek to care for and support each other, and those within our local community and around the world.  At all times, we seek to be generous in giving and receiving grace, encouraging each other’s faith through discipleship.

Throughout the year we run all sorts of activities – Kidzone, Girls’ Brigade, Scouts, & ‘Family Church’, amongst others.

Our worship service normally takes place every Sunday at 11.00 am and offers opportunities to reflect, learn, give thanks and to praise through a variety of hymns and songs, old and new.  A creche is available and Kidzone & Sydenham Soul are held during the morning service.

Our bottom line is that God loves this world.  He loves you and this community so much that he sent his Son, Jesus, to live, die and be raised to life again so that we could receive, and be transformed by that love.

As part of the Methodist Church in Ireland, we hold certain beliefs and practices. Read about our Methodist Belief.

If you’d like to know more, please browse our site or better still get in touch.

Our minister in Sydenham is the Rev Robin Waugh.

He can be contacted on 028 9047 1782 (+ 44 28 9047 1782 if calling from outside the UK)

Rev Robin Waugh will be glad to meet you and discuss any matters you wish.

Want to get in touch?

7 + 3 =

Sydenham Methodist Church

92 Palmerston Road



Rev Robin Waugh

028 9047 1782 (+44 28 9047 1782)
