Sunday 2 October 2011 – sermons

Rev Karen Spence spoke at the morning service thinking of Jesus’ command ‘come, follow me’. Click here. The reading was Mark 1:14 – 20. The reading at the evening service was Genesis 12:1 – 9, and Rev Karen Spence continued the series of...

Card Making Workshop

Thanks to Linda Nicholson and her team for another successful and enjoyable workshop on Saturday 1 October 2011.  We all made 4 beautiful ‘cards’ and helped raise some money for Age NI. Visit the gallery to see some photos!

Sunday 25 September 2011 – sermons

On this Back to Church Sunday Rev Karen Spence spoke at the morning service. The theme was ‘Come and follow me’. Click here for the sermon. The reading was Mark 10:17 – 22. Rev Karen Spence spoke again at the evening service, beginning a series of...

Back to Church Sunday

We give thanks to God for the people who came ‘Back to Church’ on Sunday 25 September 2011. We trust everyone felt welcome in our fellowship and will want to  come back again soon.