Sunday 22 May 2011 – sermons

At the morning service Rev Karen Spence explored the foundations for a Christian community as described in Acts 2:42. Click here. The reading was 1 Peter 2:2 – 10. The theme of the evening service was ‘love’ and following 2 readings, Romans 8:28...

Sunday Lunch – 22 May 2011

Thanks to everyone who organised, cooked and donated to the soup, bread and cheese lunch that was held after the morning service on Sunday 22 May 2011 to help raise funds for some of the young people within the church. About 100 people were there and to date £859 has...

Sunday 15 May 2011 – sermons

Sammy Stanfield, Youth Worker, and the young people led the morning service. Sammy explained about the Youth Freedom on Christ course that some of the young people have been attending recently and he played a short DVD of one of the presentations. He then went on to...

Baptism at the Youth Service

During the morning service on Sunday 15 May 2011 that was led by our Youth Worker, Sammy Stanfield and the young people, we had the joy of participating in the baptism of Jenni Doak. Jenni, a teenager who takes an active role within the church in many different ways,...

Apartments in Port au Prince

Here are photographs of the apartments in Port au Prince, Haiti that the folks, including Derek Cottney, on the recent MMS Ireland trip helped to build.          See the full size photos in the gallery.