
Congratulations to Peter Gammon, a member of our Explorer Scouts group. He has been awarded a Chief Scout’s Platinum award, the first to be won by the Sydenham Unit. Peter spoke at the Scouts’ Founders Day service describing the different things he had to...

Sunday 20 February 2011 – sermons

On this Scouts’ Founders Day Rev Karen Spence spoke about the world wide phenomenon ‘Facebook’ and in describing it made the point that God wants to be our friend and wants us to be his friend. Click here. The reading was Psalm 139:1 – 13. Rev...

Revelation Worship

Revelation Worship now has an email address – Why not get in touch with comments, questions and ideas?

Sunday 13 February 2011 – sermon

On this World Church Sunday, Derek Cottney spoke of his recent MMS trip to Haiti explaining about the work that was carried out whilst there and giving a description of the lifestyle of the local people. Click here. (Apologies for the poor sound quality.) The reading...

Castlewellan Holiday Week 2011

Castlewellan Holiday Week is happening from Saturday 30 July to Saturday 6 August 2011. The speakers for the adults in the main marquee this year will be David and Mairisine Stanfield, both Presbyterian ministers. Dot Tyler is the Youth speaker. Check the website for...