Christmas Day Message

At our Christmas Day service Rev Karen Spence spoke of how the message of Christmas is the same as that of the message of Good Friday. Click here. The reading was from Luke 2:8 – 20.

Trip to Haiti

The MMS Ireland trip to Haiti is due to leave from Dublin on 28 December 2010, returning on 16 January 2011. Derek Cottney will be travelling with 16 other methodists from around Ireland under the leadership of Rev Laurence Graham. Laurence asks, ‘Please keep us...

Carols by Candlelight

On the evening of Sunday 19 December 2010 we joined with the congregations of St Brendan’s Church of Ireland and Strand Presbyterian for ‘Carols by Candlelight’. Through a mix of scripture readings and music we heard the story of the birth of Jesus....

Sunday 19 December 2010 – sermons

Rev Karen Spence spoke on this the fourth Sunday in Advent, urging us to ‘Stop, Look, Listen and Be aware of God’ in these final few days of the run-up to Christmas. The reading was from Matthew 1:18-25. Click here. In the evening we joined with the...

Revelation Worship

Well done to all those who braved the weather to be at Revelation Worship on Friday 17 December 2010. Another great night of worship and praise including a wonderful version of ‘Silent Night’ by the Revelation Choir. Next Revelation Worship will be 21...