Sunday 28 November 2010 – sermons

During the morning service Rev Karen Spence preached the sermon; the reading was from Matthew 24:36 – 46. Click here. At the evening service we hosted the District Home Mission service. The speaker was Mr Mark Russell, CEO of The Church Army in Britain. Mark...

Sunday 21 November 2010 – sermons

On Home Mission Sunday Rev Chris Fraser spoke of the work of Belfast Central Mission. Click here. The reading was Matthew 25:31 – 40. At the evening service Rev Karen Spence concluded her series on Jonah as we looked at Jonah 4. The New Testament reading was...

Prayer Room – November 2010

The Prayer Room was an opportunity to draw aside from busy schedules and spend time in peace and quiet during the 24 hour period of 10.00 am on Saturday 20 November to 10.00 am on Sunday 21 November 2010. Our thoughts and prayers were guided and focused on our  own...

Sunday 14 November 2010 – sermons

Rev Karen  Spence spoke at the morning service. The readings were taken from Deuteronomy 8:1 – 11 and 1 Corinthians 15:1 – 11. Click here. Rev Karen Spence continued her series of sermons on Jonah, reading from Jonah 3 and Matthew 12:38 – 45. Click...