Sunday 24 October 2010 – sermons

In the morning service Wayne Nicholson was the speaker on the theme of  ‘The World’s Hatred’. The two New Testament readings were taken from John 15 : 18 – 27 and Jude 17 – 23. Click here. In the evening service Paul Sunerton preached on...

Suggestions needed!

Starting in November, the Rev Karen Spence plans to have a time set aside when she will be available in the church to meet with individuals for pastoral care, a chat or whatever is needed. This ‘vestry hour’ is scheduled for a Monday evening and exact...

Pastoral Visitation

From 1 November 2010, the Rev Robert Russell will be carrying out pastoral visiting, working 20 hours a month to assist Rev Karen Spence. We pray God’s blessing on him as he commences this very valuable work.

Healthcare Sunday – 17 October 2010

On 17 October 2010 we turned our thoughts and prayers to all Healthcare Workers in our province. Prayers were said for those members of our congregation who work within the Health service, affirming them and recognising the value of their contributions to the...

Sunday 17 October 2010 – sermons

On Sunday morning Rev Karen Spence spoke on the subject of prayer, using the parable of the persistent widow as told in Luke 18:1-8, as an example. Click here. During the evening service Rev Karen Spence started a new series of sermons on Jonah. The reading was Jonah...