Service of Reception

Karen Yendall was received into full membership of the Methodist Church on the evening of Sunday 23 May 2010. We pray God’s blessing on her as she seeks to live her life for him.

MWA Outing

19 ladies of the MWA and 1 honorary lady for the day, Greg Alexander, had a fantastic day out on Saturday 22 May 2010 on their annual outing. After a visit to Junction One, the ladies dined at Tullyglass and then followed the scenic route to Carnfunnock. Here are some...

Scout Treasure Hunt and BBQ

The Scout group had a car treasure hunt and BBQ on Saturday 22 May 2010. A great evening was had by all. Check out the photos. More photos will be added after 1 June – check back then!

Sri Lankan Tea Party!

£172 raised! On Sunday 16 May 2010, the children of Kidzone hosted a tea party after the morning service to help raise funds for a JMA project in Sri Lanka. Over the previous few weeks the children had been learning about life in Sri Lanka and about one of its most...