Local Preachers

On the evening of Sunday 2 May 2010 certificates were presented to two of our local preachers. Don Murdoch was recognised for 40 years service in the ministry of local preaching and Pauline Whan was presented with her certificate in recognition of becoming a fully...

Trip to Haiti

The Methodist Missionary Society is organising a team to travel to Haiti later this year. Read this letter for more details.

New Equipment installed

A new screen and dataprojector have been installed in the church sanctuary, and were in use for the first time on Sunday 2 May 2010. The dataprojector is now a permanent installation up on the ceiling and is turned off and on by remote control. It is so compact it is...

Sunday 25 April 2010 – sermons

In the morning, Rev Greg Alexander preached on Acts 15 and the dangers of enforcing rules and regulations that clutter up the simplicity of the true message of the gospel. Click here. In the evening, the reading was taken from Romans 5 and Rev Greg Alexander preached...

Congratulations to the Junior CE – again!

On Saturday 24 April 2010, Laura took part in the Final of the All Ireland C.E. Talent Contest having won through from the local contest. Laura was entered in the Bible Reading competition and won her age group, beating 3 other contestants. Congratulations to her!...