Men’s Breakfast

Read Derek Cottney’s write up of the meeting on the 17 April 2010 when Tim Dunwoody was the speaker. Click here.

Spring Clean!

There were reports of a strange, unidentifed humming noise in the Sydenham area on the morning of Saturday 24 April 2010. However there was nothing to be alarmed about; it was just all the busy bees working hard during the big Spring Clean! The buildings were a...

Revelation Worship Night!

 FRIDAY, 23 APRIL 2010 What a tremendous night of worship we had with a mix of music, song, prayers, words, and drama along with opportunities to reflect and draw near to God. A much needed respite, at the end of what is probably a very busy week for most people. A...

Help Needed

Our church is hosting the annual Methodist Conference this year for the first time ever! Click here to see a letter from our minister, Greg Alexander, to find out how you can help.