Sunday 21 February – sermons

Rev Robin Waugh spoke about ‘The Golden Rule’ at the Scouts’ Founders Day service. The reading was Matthew 7:7-12. Rev Robin Waugh spoke again at the evening service on ‘weaning for Christians’. The reading was Hebrews...

Sunday 14 February 2106 – sermons

Cheryl Patterson spoke at the morning service on this first Sunday of Lent and urged us to slow down, listen and hear and she shared her thoughts on the story found in Luke 7:11 – 17. Rev Robin Waugh spoke at the evening service on ‘Lent: A time of...

Sunday 7 February 2016 – sermons

Rev Robin Waugh spoke on ‘The Compassionate Christ’ at the service of healing and wholeness. The reading was Mark 1:29-45. Paul Sunerton spoke on ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ at the evening service. The readings were Jeremiah 33:1-3, 14-16 and...

100 Days 100 Years

100 days of prayer for 100 years of history – a movement of prophetic prayer for healing of the past, honour in the present and hope for the future. 24/7 Prayer, Evangelical Alliance and Summer Madness are developing this prayer initiative around the Centenary...