Sunday 10 January 2016 – sermons

Rev Robin Waugh spoke at the morning service on ‘Lessons for Leadership’. The readings were Isaiah 43:1-7 and Luke 3:15-17, 21-22. Peter Morris spoke at the evening service on ‘God in us, our help’. The readings were Psalm 121 & John...

Sunday 10 January 2016

At the morning service we had the dedication of the Church Council (find out who the members are for 2016) & the pastoral team – Liz Bennet, Laura Brown, Eleanor Gray, Brian Maxwell & Irene Waring.

Sunday 3 January 2016 – sermons

On this Covenant Sunday Rev Robin Waugh and Kierinda Stanfield led us in a reflection on ‘a response to the Covenant’. The readings were Jeremiah 31:31-34 & John 15:1-10. Rev Robin Waugh spoke at the evening service on ‘Christmas and...