Congregational Meeting

The Congregational Meeting, held on Sunday 15 November 2015, was well attended. We accepted the nominations for Circuit Steward and Manse Steward and heard encouraging and positive reports from committees and Rev Robin Waugh before voting for the congregational...

Sunday 1 November 2015 – sermons

Rev Robin Waugh spoke at the morning service on the ‘Communion of Saints’. The reading was Hebrews 11:39-12:2. Rev Robin Waugh spoke at the evening service on ‘The Good Shepherd’. The readings were Psalm 23 & John 10:1-18.

Container Ministry

The container ministry still needs our support throughout autumn. Here is a list of items that are needed. Bring donations along on any Sunday and leave them for Paul Sunerton.

Supporting Our Church Financially

If you wish to set up a standing order to donate regularly then download the Standing Order Form, complete it and take it along to your own bank. Alternatively if you use online banking you can set up a standing order online using the sort code and account number...