Sunday 20 September 2015 – sermons

At the morning service Tim Dunwoody spoke of the work of Methodist World Development and Relief. The reading was James 2:14-26. At the evening service Rev Robin Waugh began a series of 3 sermons on Being a Disciple. Part 1 was about ‘Evangelism’. The...

Sunday 13 September 2015 – sermons

On this Racial Justice Sunday Rev Robin Waugh spoke at the morning service on ‘Welcoming the Stranger’. The readings were Leviticus 19:33-34 and Matthew 2:13-23. Rev Robin Waugh spoke again at the evening service about ‘Racial Justice’. The...

Sunday 6 September 2015 – sermons

Rev Robin Waugh spoke at the morning service on ‘unity of community’. The reading was John 17:20-26. Robin spoke again at the evening service and we were thinking about ‘The Pouting Son’. The reading was Luke 15:11-32. If you would like to hear...

Sunday 30 August 2015 – sermons

Rev Robin Waugh spoke at the morning service on ‘people are as you see them’. The reading was Luke 19:1-10. At the last joint evening service Rev Danny Rankin finished the series of sermons preaching on ‘one body, many parts’. The readings were...