Meet the Neighbours

On Friday 15 May 2015, there was an opportunity to chat with friends and neighbours over a BBQ. A little drizzle didn’t dampen things too much and everyone had a great time.

Welcome to the family!

On Sunday 26 April 2015 we celebrated the baptism of baby Jenson along with his family and friends. We pray God’s blessing on Jenson, his sister Lacey and his parents. Sarah, Nathan & Jenson

Sunday 26 April 2015 – sermons

Rev Karen Spence spoke at the morning service of God’s promise ‘I am with you always’. The reading was John 16:4-7. Cheryl Patterson was the guest on the sofa at the evening service. The reading was 1 John 3:16-24.

Sunday 19 April 2015 – sermons

Don Murdock spoke at the morning service on ‘God is a speaking God’. The reading was Hebrews 1:1-3 & 2:1-4. Paul Sunerton spoke on ‘God is a listening God’ at the evening service. The readings were Psalm 34:1-22 & 1 John...