Sunday 16 November 2014 – sermons

At the Home Mission service in the morning Rev Karen Spence spoke of ‘the sheep and the goats’. The reading was Matthew 25:31-46. Rev Karen Spence continued the series of sermons on 1 Thessalonians at the evening service asking ‘what do we do in the...

Annual Congregational Meeting

The ACM held on Sunday 16 November was well attended by members of the congregation. We heard of some of the things that have happened in church over the past year, some of the new things planned for the next year and we ratified the members of the church...

Sunday 9 November 2014 – sermons

Rev Karen Spence spoke at the morning service about ‘hope’. The reading was Romans 5:1-11. Rev Karen Spence spoke again at the evening service on ‘Hope – The Anchor’. The reading was Hebrews 6:11-20.

Welcome to our Church Family

On Sunday 2 November 2014 we joined with the family and friends of Chris and Joanna for Sophia’s baptism in the morning. Then in the afternoon we had a service of thanksgiving for Theo as we celebrated with his mum Ally and family and friends. We know God will...