Family & Children’s Worker

On Sunday 13 July 2014 Rev Karen Spence welcomed Steph Glenn, our new family & children’s worker, to her post as she introduced Steph to the congregation.  We pray God’s blessing on Steph as she takes up her responsibilities which include developing...

Sunday 29 June 2014 – talks

At the Youth Service in the morning Sammy Stanfield, Peter Morris and Melissa Bryans fed back on the subjects that had been discussed with the young people at the recent youth weekend. Listen to the talks. The reading was Matthew 5:1-10, and was read from The Message....

Evening Services during the summer

As we have done in previous years we will join with the congregations of St Brendan’s Church of Ireland and Strand Presbyterian for our Sunday evening services, at 7.00 pm, during the summer months of July and August. 27 July and 3 & 10 August will be in our...