Sunday 23 February 2014 – sermons

Rev Karen Spence spoke at the Scouts’ Founders Day Service asking ‘Who is your hero?’ Listen to the talk. The reading was Philippians 2:5-11. Wayne Nicholson continued the evening series of sermons on Elisha. Listen to the sermon. The reading was 2...

Sunday 16 February 2014 – sermon

Rev Karen Spence continued the series of morning sermons talking on ‘Imagine Life without … choices’. Listen to the sermon. The Old Testament reading Deuteronomy 30:15-20 was read from the New Living Translation. The New Testament reading was Matthew...

Welcome to the Family!

On Sunday 16 February 2014 we celebrated the baptism of Eden Dickinson. Eden lives with her parents in Canada and it was with pleasure that we joined with her family to welcome her into God’s church. We pray God’s blessing on Eden and her family as they...

Sunday 9 February 2014 – sermons

Alan Hall was the speaker at the morning service when he spoke about the role of MMS(I) in the World Church. Listen to the sermon. The reading was Isaiah 58:1-12. Rev Karen Spence continued the look at the life of Elisha at the evening service. Listen to the sermon....

Sunday 2 February 2014 – sermons

Rev Karen Spence began a new series of sermons for the morning services on ‘Imagine life without…’ starting with ‘Imagine life without the Holy Spirit’. Listen to the sermon. The reading was Luke 2:21-32. We continued our look at the life...