Sunday 26 January 2014 – sermons

Rev Karen Spence concluded the series of sermons at the morning services looking at the covenant by speaking on ‘Adventure with Christ’. Listen to the sermon. The reading was Luke 10:1-12. Rev Karen Spence spoke again at the evening service continuing our...

Sunday 19 January 2014 – sermons

Rev Karen Spence, with the help of Sammy Stanfield, continued to consider the covenant in particular the challenge of  ‘denying ourselves’ and helped to guide our thoughts towards the topic of ‘fasting’. Listen to the sermon. The reading was...

Dedication of the Church Council

On 19 January 2014 the members of the Church Council were dedicated for their work and service within our church. We pray God’s blessing and guidance on all the members as they seek to do God’s will for our church. Find a full list of the members of the council...

Sunday 12 January 2014 – sermons

Rev Dr Heather Morris, President of the Methodist Church in Ireland, was the preacher at the morning service. Listen to the sermon. The readings were Joshua 24:1-2,14-18 and Matthew 5:13-16. At the evening service Rev Karen Spence began a new series on the prophet...

Engaging with God’s Word in 2014

Here are some great opportunities to engage with God’s Word: Sunday evenings from 12 January at 7.00 pm – ‘Elisha’ – a study of his life and what he can teach us about God Wednesday night Bible Study from 22 January, 7.30 – 8.30 pm...