Sunday 15 December 2013 – sermons

Rev Karen Spence spoke at the morning service about’ the experience of the wilderness’. Listen to the sermon. The reading was Matthew 11:1-11. Peter Morris was the speaker at the evening Christingle service and spoke about some of the names of Jesus....

Sunday 1 December 2013 – talks

At our all age advent service Rev Karen Spence focused our thoughts on ‘waiting’ during this time of advent. Listen to the talk. The reading was Luke 2:25-32. At the evening service Rev Karen Spence spoke about ‘transformation’ and seeking...

Sunday 24 November 2013 – talks

Timmy Spence spoke at the GB Enrolment Service about going on an adventure. Listen to the talk. The reading was John 4:7-15. Sammy Stanfield led the interactive evening session explaining about the young people’s group, SMORG, and looking at what it means to be...