Harvest Sunday – 13 October 2013

This year at our Harvest we supported the Container Ministry by collecting items to be sent to Andrew and Julie Cunningham, in Belize. The list of items required included craft, reading and teaching supplies, sports equipment and miscellaneous things. Have a look at...

Sunday 29 September 2013 – sermons

Henry Berry of Child Evangelism Fellowship spoke at the morning service of the work of CEF in Western Europe. Listen to the talk. The reading was Psalm 78:1-8. Timothy Spence was the preacher at the evening service looking at inheriting eternal life. Listen to the...

Dedication of Youth and Children’s Leaders

On Sunday 15 September 2013, Rev Karen Spence led the annual dedication of the Youth and Children’s leaders and as the leaders renewed their commitment to the work to which they have been called, the congregation promised to support them in prayer. May God...