Church Calendar

To view the calendar just click on the link. To download your own copy of the Calendar right click on the link and choose ‘save target as …’ . 2013-2014 Calendar 2012-2013 Calendar 2011-2012 Calendar 2010-2011 Calendar 2009-2010...

Sunday 28 July 2013 – sermons

During the morning service Rev Karen Spence preached on ‘Church: presented mature in Christ’. Listen to the sermon. The reading was Colossians 1:24-2:5. Rev Karen Spence continued the series of sermonsĀ on the minor prophets at the united evening service by...

Sunday 21 July 2013 – sermons

Rev Robert Russell spoke at the morning service on ‘God mending broken things’. Listen to the sermon. The readings were Isaiah 61:1-6 and Luke 4:13-21. At the evening service Rev Karen Spence continued the series of sermons on the minor prophets, looking...