Dedication of the Church Council

On Sunday 20 January 2013 the officers and elected representatives of the Church Council were recognised for their service to the church as they serve on the Council for 2013.

11:11 – Praying for our city

Proverbs 11:11 says ‘By the blessing of the upright a city is exalted.’  We are all being encouraged at 11.11 each morning and evening, to take a few moments wherever we find ourselves, to pray and speak blessing over our city and our leaders. Pray that...

Sunday 13 January 2013 – sermons

At the morning service Rev Karen Spence spoke on ‘recognising the voice of God’. Click here. The reading was Isaiah 43:1-7. Rev Karen Spence continued the series of sermons on Joseph at the evening service. Click here. The reading was Genesis...

Sunday 6 January 2013 – sermons

At the annual covenant service Rev Karen Spence spoke on ‘Apart from me …’. Click here. The readings were Exodus 24:3-11  and John 15:1-10. Rev Karen Spence preached again at the evening service picking up again on the series of sermons about Joseph....