Sunday 16 September 2012 – sermon

Due to problems with the recording we are unable to publish the morning sermon. Rev Karen Spence spoke at the evening service continuing the look at John 6. Click here. The readings were 1 Kings 19:4-8 and John 6:35,41-51.

Youth Leaders Dedication

The leaders of the non-uniformed organisations were dedicated to the work of God on Sunday 16 September 2012. Rev Karen Spence prayed for the leaders as they were reminded of their committment to pray for the children and young people in their care and to prepare...

Sunday 9 September 2012 – sermons

Alan Hall was the speaker at the World Development service in the morning. Click here. The readings were Leviticus 23:39-44 and 2 Corinthians 9:6-12. At the evening service Ken Whan spoke on ‘who Jesus is’. Click here. The readings were Exodus 16:1-9 and...

Oasis – all ladies welcome!

Have a look at the 2012-13 programme. All ladies are welcome to come along on the first Monday of each month. Have a look at the photos of our first meeting on 3 September 2012 at the Dock Cafe.

Sunday morning refreshments

From Sunday 9 September 2012 we will be having tea and coffee after the morning service. Everyone is invited to come along and join in this friendly get together. If anyone would like to help in some way please contact Orla Wylie or email...