Sunday 2 September 2012 – sermons

Rev Karen Spence was the preacher at the morning service on ‘Do this to remember me’. Click here. The reading was 1 Corinthians 11: 23 – 29. Karen spoke again at the evening service thinking about Jesus’ words ‘Don’t be afraid, I am with...

Thank you!

On Sunday 3 September 2012 we said a big ‘Thank You’ to Jude Rainey for her years of faithful service as the ‘leader-in-charge’ of Kidzone. Jude is stepping down as overall leader however will continue to be involved in Kidzone. Stephen...

A Year on TOM

On Sunday 26 August 2012 Claire Stewart was interviewed about her prayers and plans for her year on Team On Mission. She will be working in the Bangor Methodist Churches for the next year. We pray God’s blessing on her and the rest of the team members as they...

Sunday 26 August 2012 – sermons

At the morning service, Carolyn Hall completed the series of sermons looking at the book of Ephesians. Click here. (Apologies that due to a technical fault the last few minutes of the sermon failed to record.) The reading was Ephesians 6:10-20. At the final joint...

Sunday 19 August 2012 – sermons

Rev Karen Spence was the preacher at the morning service and continued the series of sermons on the book of Ephesians. Click here. The reading was Ephesians 5:15-20 and was read from the NRSV. Pauline Whan spoke at the evening service continuing the series on 1 John....