Sunday 24 June 2012 – sermons

In the morning Wayne Nicholson preached a warning about those who would seek to take us away from God. Click here. The reading was Matthew 7:15 – 23. Ken Whan spoke at the evening service on the message Paul gave to the Philippians. Click here. The readings were...

Sunday 17 June 2012 – sermons

Pauline Whan was the preacher at the morning service. Click here. The readings were Genesis 18:1 – 10 and Luke 10:38 – 42. Paul Sunerton spoke at the evening service on ‘The Bible – God’ spoken word in written form’. Click here. The...

Sunday 10 June 2012 – sermons

At the morning service Sammy Stanfield was the preacher. Click here. The reading was Revelation 21 : 1 – 22 : 5. Donald Murdoch preached at the evening service on ‘a speaking God’. Click here. The readings were Psalm 19 and Hebrews...