Sunday 22 April 2012 – sermons

Rev Karen Spence was the preacher at the morning service and spoke on ‘Peter – a transformed life’. Click here. The readings were Luke 24:33 – 49 and Acts 3:12 – 19. In the evening service Rev Karen Spence began a new series of sermons on...

Sunday 15 April 2012 – sermons

On this Local Preachers Sunday when we commemorated the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, Wayne Nicholson was the preacher at the morning service and spoke of how God can take care of our doubts. Click here. The reading was John 20:19 – 31. At the...

Easter Sunday 8 April 2012 – talk

At our all-age worship service on Easter Sunday morning, Rev Karen Spence guided our thoughts by using the ’12 Resurrection Eggs’ to help us think through the journey from Jesus’ triumpal entry to Jerusalem, through that last week to the crucifixion...

Reception into full membership

On Palm Sunday, 1 April 2012, 7 people were received into full membership. During the service Ann gave her testimony. Rev Karen Spence baptised Amanda, Emma and Nici before they were joined by Ann, Laura, Rebecca and Jenni to be received into full membership of the...