Sunday 4 March 2012 – sermons

At the morning service Rev Karen Spence spoke of how we can be assured that God will never let us down. Click here. The reading was John 11:1 – 7, 17 – 36. At the evening service Carolyn Hall looked at ‘leadership within the church’ following...

Sunday 26 February 2012 – sermons

Rev Karen Spence spoke at the morning service of the cleansing power of God’s love and mercy. Click here. The reading was Genesis 9:8 – 17. The sermon at the evening service, ‘Stand firm – live well’, was the next in the series connected...


On Sunday 26 February 2012 we had the wonderful opportunity of joining with family and friends of Fraser Nicol to welcome him into our church community as we celebrated his Baptism. We pray God’s blessing on this young family and look forward to seeing Fraser...