Annual Congregational Meeting

The ACM held on Sunday 16 November was well attended by members of the congregation. We heard of some of the things that have happened in church over the past year, some of the new things planned for the next year and we ratified the members of the church...

Welcome to our Church Family

On Sunday 2 November 2014 we joined with the family and friends of Chris and Joanna for Sophia’s baptism in the morning. Then in the afternoon we had a service of thanksgiving for Theo as we celebrated with his mum Ally and family and friends. We know God will...

Room Hire

Sydenham Methodist Church offers low cost facilities suitable for room hire and conferences. We welcome individuals and groups who are sympathetic to the ethos of the Methodist Church in Ireland. EmailĀ for more information on our facilities...

Cradle Roll Presentations

On Sunday 19 October 2014 Pat Gordon and Steph Neilands presented a book to each child on the cradle roll. We pray that each child will learn to love God more and more as they grow up.

Harvest Service

The Harvest service was on Sunday 12 October 2014. We collected items for Storehouse and the offering went to the container ministry.

Commissioning & Dedication

On Sunday 21 September 2014 Rev Karen Spence commissioned Steph Neilands into her role as Family and Children’s Worker and Sammy Stanfield as Youth Worker before dedicating the leaders of the Youth and Children’s groups within the church. The congregation...