An Eco-Challenge!

On Sunday 19 May 2013 Alan and Helen Shiel spoke of the work of Eco Congregation Ireland. Visit Eco-congregation Ireland to read more about the organisation & how to ensure our church is environmentally aware. There are also some Eco tips on ways that we can all...

Conference Bible Study

“A people invited to follow…” is the theme of the Annual Methodist Church in Ireland Conference,  12 – 16 June 2013. The Conference Planning Group, appointed by the General Committee, has prepared Bible Notes as a resource we may find useful in our...

Skainos Tour and Meal

On Saturday evening 16 March 2013 a group of 48 people from our church visited the Skainos complex on the Newtownards Road. Neil Morris gave a guided tour and explanation of the journey taken by the East Belfast Mission that has resulted in the wonderful modern...

Dedication of the Church Council

On Sunday 20 January 2013 the officers and elected representatives of the Church Council were recognised for their service to the church as they serve on the Council for 2013.

11:11 – Praying for our city

Proverbs 11:11 says ‘By the blessing of the upright a city is exalted.’  We are all being encouraged at 11.11 each morning and evening, to take a few moments wherever we find ourselves, to pray and speak blessing over our city and our leaders. Pray that...