Thank you!

On Sunday 3 September 2012 we said a big ‘Thank You’ to Jude Rainey for her years of faithful service as the ‘leader-in-charge’ of Kidzone. Jude is stepping down as overall leader however will continue to be involved in Kidzone. Stephen...

A Year on TOM

On Sunday 26 August 2012 Claire Stewart was interviewed about her prayers and plans for her year on Team On Mission. She will be working in the Bangor Methodist Churches for the next year. We pray God’s blessing on her and the rest of the team members as they...


On Sunday 20 May 2012 we had the opportunity for adults, young adults and young people to meet together to share in fellowship. We met from 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm for a meal and took the opportunity to mix with each other to study God’s word, discuss what we are...

Refurbishment Work

Work is currently going on at the back entrance of the church to refurbish the hallway, vestry and choir room. Have a look at the photos to see what’s been going on (or coming off!).

A real family occasion!

On Sunday 13 May 2012 we celebrated the baptism of two young cousins, Carter and Lacey. We pray God’s blessing on these young families and welcome them into our church family.   (left to right) Nathan, Sarah & Lacey, Sarah & Carter,...

Youth Weekend

29 young people and 6 leaders spent the weekend of 4 – 6 May 2012 at Greenhill YMCA in Newcastle. Great fun was had by all during activities of orienteering, raft building and laser quest. Photos coming soon! Team on Mission were the speakers. Let’s give...