Revelation Worship

We had another great evening together on Friday 21 January 2011 and were challenged by Peter from Open Doors as he spoke about the discrimination experienced by Christians in other countries, particularly Pakistan. He shared about the plight of Asia Bibi, a mother...

Home from Haiti

The team are now home. Derek will be telling us all about the trip on World Church Sunday, 13 February 2011 at 11.00 am.


Congratulations to Orla and Chris Wylie on the birth of their first baby, Grace, born on Monday 10 January 2011. We give thanks to God for Grace’s safe arrival and pray God’s blessing on the family at this exciting time!

Church Weekend – October 2012

A weekend away for the whole church family is being planned for October 2012. The organisers need to know how many people might be interested in attending. Please sign up on the sheet in the vestibule as soon as possible or email your details to...

May God’s peace and joy be with everyone in 2011.

Trip to Haiti

The MMS Ireland trip to Haiti is due to leave from Dublin on 28 December 2010, returning on 16 January 2011. Derek Cottney will be travelling with 16 other methodists from around Ireland under the leadership of Rev Laurence Graham. Laurence asks, ‘Please keep us...