Healthcare Sunday – 17 October 2010

On 17 October 2010 we turned our thoughts and prayers to all Healthcare Workers in our province. Prayers were said for those members of our congregation who work within the Health service, affirming them and recognising the value of their contributions to the...

Harvest Services – 10 October 2010

On Sunday 10 October 2010 we celebrated our Harvest Services. In support of  Ruth Wilson, a Mission Partner serving in The Gambia, we collected sewing equipment to help in her plans to introduce dressmaking classes to the women with whom she is working. The church was...

Help Needed!

Marriage Week NI – an initiative to support church based ministry in the area of marriage – needs your help! If you are or have been married PLEASE take part in a vital piece of research they are currently conducting. The survey can be accessed via their website...

Back to Church Sunday

Sunday 26 September 2010 was ‘Back to Church Sunday’ when we were encouraged to invite someone to come along to church with us. We trust that those people who joined with us, either for the first time or the first time in a while, felt welcome and enjoyed...

Card Making Workshop

The Card Making Workshop on 25 September was a great morning as always! Money raised went towards the ‘Tiny Life’ charity – the only premature and vulnerable baby charity in Northern Ireland dedicated to reducing illness, disability and death in...

Revelation Worship

Friday 10 September was another great opportunity to spend time with friends joining together in praise and worship of the one true and mighty God. If you haven’t made it along to Revelation Worship yet then make a point of coming along next month.