Men’s Breakfast

Read Derek Cottney’s write up of the meeting on the 17 April 2010 when Tim Dunwoody was the speaker. Click here.

Spring Clean!

There were reports of a strange, unidentifed humming noise in the Sydenham area on the morning of Saturday 24 April 2010. However there was nothing to be alarmed about; it was just all the busy bees working hard during the big Spring Clean! The buildings were a...

Revelation Worship Night!

 FRIDAY, 23 APRIL 2010 What a tremendous night of worship we had with a mix of music, song, prayers, words, and drama along with opportunities to reflect and draw near to God. A much needed respite, at the end of what is probably a very busy week for most people. A...

Help Needed

Our church is hosting the annual Methodist Conference this year for the first time ever! Click here to see a letter from our minister, Greg Alexander, to find out how you can help.

Easter Sunday 4 April 2010

It was with great joy that we welcomed 12 young people into full membership of the Methodist Church in Ireland this morning. We pray that God will continue to richly bless them as they serve Him and his Church in their everyday life. Front Row from left: Rachel...

Holy Week Services

What a blessing we have received this week during the United Holy Week services with Bishop Ken Clarke. He opened up amazing truths in a fresh, new light and challenged us to respond as God spoke to each one of us. We were frequently urged to pay attention to verses...