Sunday 11 May 2014 – sermons

Rev Karen Spence spoke at the morning service. Listen to ‘A window display for Jesus’. The reading was Acts 2:42-47. At the evening service Rev Karen Spence began a series of sermons looking at 1 Peter. Listen to ‘follow in his steps’. The...

Sunday 27 April 2014 – sermons

On Local Preachers Sunday Billy Greer led the morning service and in the sermon urged us to ‘trust in Jesus’. Listen to the sermon. The reading was John 3:1-21. At the evening service Dr Jenny Meegan spoke about St Thomas. Listen to the sermon. The reading...

Easter Sunday 20 April 2014 – talks

Peter Morris spoke at the family service on the wonder of the resurrection. Listen to the talk. The reading was Mark 16:1-8. At the United evening service Pastor David Luke finished his series of talks on the final week of Jesus life, speaking about the resurrection....

Sunday 13 April 2014 – sermon

Rev Robert Russell spoke at the morning service about his recent trip to Myanmar/ Burma in connection with The Methodist Missionary Society. Listen to the sermon. The readings were Isaiah 2:1-5 and James 2:14-18.

Sunday 6 April 2014 – sermons

Rev Karen Spence spoke at the morning service on ‘can these dry bones live?’. Listen to the sermon. The readings were Ezekiel 37:1-14 and Romans 8:6-11. At the evening service Rev Karen Spence asked the question ‘Do we love ourselves?’ in the...