Sunday 16 December 2012 – sermon

At the morning service Rev Karen Spence continued the series of sermons on navigating our through advent and spoke on the question asked of John the Baptist, ‘What shall we do?’. Click here. The reading was Luke 3:7-18.

Sunday 9 December – sermons

During the morning service Sharon Connor continued our Advent series of sermons and spoke about John the Baptist and ‘levelling the ground’. Click here. The reading was Luke 3:1-6. At the evening service the theme was ‘Living with Loss’. Click...

Sunday 18 November 2012 – sermons

Rev Karen Spence was the preacher on this Home Mission Sunday and spoke of our responsibility to others in our church family of the Methodist Church in Ireland. Click here. The reading was Joshua 1:10-18. Rev Karen Spence continued the series of sermons on the life of...

Sunday 11 November 2012 – sermons

On this Remembrance Sunday Rev Karen Spence spoke at the morning service on ‘remembering’. Click here. The reading was Joshua 4. Paul Sunerton was the preacher at the evening service and spoke on ‘Christ is the way, the truth, the life’. Click...