Sunday 1 November 2015 – sermons

Rev Robin Waugh spoke at the morning service on the ‘Communion of Saints’. The reading was Hebrews 11:39-12:2. Rev Robin Waugh spoke at the evening service on ‘The Good Shepherd’. The readings were Psalm 23 & John 10:1-18.

Sunday 25 October 2015 – sermons

Carolyn Hall spoke at the morning service using the life of Moses to show how ‘God sees, God calls & God provides’. The reading was Exodus 4:10-16. Peter Morris spoke at the evening service on ‘I don’t like blood’. The reading was...

Sunday 18 October 2015 – sermons

Rev Robin Waugh spoke at the morning service on ‘Biblical Shons’. The readings were Joshua 1:1-9 and 2 Timothy 3:10-17. Rev Robin Waugh spoke on ‘encouraging others’ at the evening service. The readings were Acts 11:19-26 and Colossians...

Sunday 11 October 2015 – sermons

Paul Sunerton spoke at the morning service on ‘The Christian Soldier’. The readings were Isaiah 35:1-4 and 2 Timothy 2:1-7. Rev Robin Waugh spoke at the evening service on ‘Integrity in the church’. The readings were Micah 6:1-12 and Acts...

Sunday 4 October 2015 – sermons

Rev Robin Waugh spoke at the morning Harvest service about ‘New Creation’. The readings were Genesis 1:1-5 and Romans 8:18-25. Robin spoke again at the evening service and finished the series of sermons on ‘Being a Disciple’. The readings were...