Sunday 23 December 2012 – sermons

At the morning service Rev Karen Spence concluded the series of sermons helping us ‘navigate our way through advent’. Click here. The reading was Luke 1:39-55. In the evening we held our ‘Carols by Candlelight’ service and Rev Karen Spence gave...

Sunday 16 December 2012 – sermon

At the morning service Rev Karen Spence continued the series of sermons on navigating our through advent and spoke on the question asked of John the Baptist, ‘What shall we do?’. Click here. The reading was Luke 3:7-18.

Sunday 9 December – sermons

During the morning service Sharon Connor continued our Advent series of sermons and spoke about John the Baptist and ‘levelling the ground’. Click here. The reading was Luke 3:1-6. At the evening service the theme was ‘Living with Loss’. Click...