Sunday 14 October 2012 – sermons

Rev Robert Russell was the preacher at the morning service. Click here. The reading was John 15:1-8. Sharon Connor spoke at the evening service on ‘Where is your treasure’. Click here. The reading was Matthew 6:19-34.

Sunday 7 October 2012 – sermons

On this Harvest Sunday Rev Karen Spence spoke at the morning service about Harvest in 21st century Sydenham. Click here. The reading was Luke 10:1-11. Rev Karen Spence spoke again at the evening service on the superiority, solidarity and suffering of Jesus. Click...

Sunday 30 September 2012 – sermons

On this ‘Back to Church Sunday’ Rev Karen Spence was the preacher at the morning service. Click here. The reading was Luke 15:1-7. Rev Karen Spence spoke at the evening service and concluded the series on John 6, Jesus’ teaching on the bread of life....

Sunday 16 September 2012 – sermon

Due to problems with the recording we are unable to publish the morning sermon. Rev Karen Spence spoke at the evening service continuing the look at John 6. Click here. The readings were 1 Kings 19:4-8 and John 6:35,41-51.

Sunday 9 September 2012 – sermons

Alan Hall was the speaker at the World Development service in the morning. Click here. The readings were Leviticus 23:39-44 and 2 Corinthians 9:6-12. At the evening service Ken Whan spoke on ‘who Jesus is’. Click here. The readings were Exodus 16:1-9 and...