Sunday 10 June 2012 – sermons

At the morning service Sammy Stanfield was the preacher. Click here. The reading was Revelation 21 : 1 – 22 : 5. Donald Murdoch preached at the evening service on ‘a speaking God’. Click here. The readings were Psalm 19 and Hebrews...

Sunday 27 May 2012 – sermon

Due to problems with the sound desk the morning service was unable to be recorded. At the evening service Rev Karen Spence continued the series of sermons on Elijah looking at how he confronted Ahab over Ahab’s sin. Click here. The reading was 1 Kings...

Sunday 13 May 2012 – sermons

At the morning service Rev Karen Spence spoke on ‘Walking with Jesus’. Click here. The reading was 1 John 1:5 – 2:6. Rev Karen Spence continued the series of sermons on Elijah at the evening service  looking at ‘Elijah – a man of...

Sunday 6 May 2012 – sermons

At the morning service Michael Spence spoke of  ‘The Posture of Surrender’. Click here. The readings were 2 Samuel 6:1 – 5, 13 – 22 and Luke 19:28 – 40. Kev Karen Spence continued the series of sermons on Elijah in the evening service...