On Palm Sunday, 17 April, Desi Maxwell began his Easter series by looking at Jesus’ triumphal entry to Jerusalem, click here, as we read in Mark 11:1 – 11. This set the scene for our journey during HolyWeek, to look at Jesus’  last week in Jerusalem.

On Monday 18 April Desi spoke of the fig tree and the cleansing of the temple as read in Mark 11:12 – 26. Click here.

On Tuesday 19 April Desi helped us see the meaning behind Jesus’ words, as read in Mark 13, by thinking of them from the viewpoint of the disciples as they sat on the Mount of Olives and looked over the valley to the Temple. Click here.

On Wednesday 20 April we took up an invitation to attend a meal at the house of Simon the Leper in Bethany, (you can read the story in Mark 14,) and we heard of an act of worship that was performed with no thought for self or for the cost involved.  Click here.

Thursday 21 April saw us looking in detail at the Last Supper and how it has become the Lord’s Supper. Click here. The reading was Mark 14:12-26.

On Good Friday 22 April Desi spoke of the Kingship of Jesus. Click here.

On Easter Sunday, 24 April, Desi completed his series of talks by sharing of the ‘Hope of Easter’ as described by Isaiah in Isaiah 25:6 – 9. Click here.