Scout Group

Scout Group

The 9th Belfast (East) Scout Group encourages the physical, spiritual and mental development of young people with a modern programme of fun, games, crafts and life-skills. We provide indoor and outdoor activities and adventurous opportunities. With a varied choice of skills badges and challenging projects we provide many experiences to give all our members a chance to develop their own talents and potential.

Age groups are:

Squirrels – Ages 4 – 6

Beavers – Ages 6 – 8

Cubs – Ages 8 – 10.5

Scouts – Ages 10.5 – 14.5

Explorer Scouts (Boys & Girls) –  Ages 14.5 – 18

For more information, please contact Peter (Group Scout Leader) at or via the form below.




Contact 9th East Scouts at Sydenham Methodist

15 + 10 =

Want to get in touch?

7 + 11 =

Sydenham Methodist Church

92 Palmerston Road



Rev Robin Waugh

028 9047 1782 (+44 28 9047 1782)
