Radio Broadcast for Easter Sunday

The Easter morning service, that was recorded in our church on 27 March, was broadcast by RTE on Sunday 24 April 2011. To listen to the service, click here.

Palm Sunday, Holy Week & Easter Sunday Services

On Palm Sunday, 17 April, Desi Maxwell began his Easter series by looking at Jesus’ triumphal entry to Jerusalem, click here, as we read in Mark 11:1 – 11. This set the scene for our journey during HolyWeek, to look at Jesus’  last week in Jerusalem....

Summer School with Desi Maxwell

‘filling in … THE BLANK PAGE’. Summer school with Desi Maxwell at the House of Vicryn, Moira Road, Lisburn. 15 – 19 August 2011, 10.00 am to 12.30 pm. £80 registration fee covers, 10 lectures covering the period between Malachi and Matthew, a...

Palm Sunday 17 April 2011 – sermon

Rev Karen Spence spoke at the morning service about 3 things that Jesus carried. Click here. The readings were Mark 1:9 – 11 and 10:13-16, read from ‘The Message’ and Matthew 27:27 – 44. The evening service was a united service in St...