Sunday 7 November 2010 – sermons

The morning service was the annual Girls’ Brigade enrolment service. The readings were taken from Psalm 119:57 – 60 and Genesis 12:1 – 3. Rev Karen Spence spoke of the promises we had all made during the service as part of the enrolment and then...

Annual Congregational Meeting

The Annual Congregational Meeting was held on Friday 5 November 2010. We heard several reports on various aspects of church life over the past year. Alan Gray re-capped on some of the special events that had taken place and he also gave feedback on the work of the...

Sunday 31 October 2010 – sermons

Rev Karen Spence spoke at the morning service on the theme of “What is our picture of God?”. The New Testament reading was taken from Ephesians 3:14 – 21. Click here. At the evening service Rev Karen Spence continued her series on Jonah, as we looked...

Autumn Soul

23 young people plus leaders had a great time at Autumn Soul in Bangor, the weekend of 29 – 31 October 2010. We give thanks to God for their safe keeping, the dry weather and the experience of meeting with God on a personal level.


A THREAT TO RELIGIOUS LIBERTY  This year the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, linking 57 countries with majority or significant Muslim populations, will once again introduce the Defamation of Religions Resolution in the United Nations. It allows governments the...