Revelation Worship Night

Session 2 of Revelation Worship took place on Friday 28 May 2010. It was another tremendous night of worship and praise with a very powerful message of God’s love for us no matter what. Thanks be to God for such an amazing opportunity to share together and for...

Last Men’s Breakfast of the year!

On Saturday 15 May 2010, 18 hungry men set off to Harlequins Rugby Club for a special farewell breakfast for Greg. Upon arrival we were ushered into a private side room, and with the sun beating in through the windows instead of the usual Corn flakes and toast we...

Prayer Room

The prayer room was open from 21 – 25 May 2010; the theme was ‘ Journeying with God’.  There was a wide variety of displays, visual & auditory aids and practical tasks to help focus our thoughts and prayers on our personal journey with God and on...

Sunday 23 May 2010 – sermons

The morning service was lead by the young people and Sammy Stanfield, Youth Worker gave the address. Click here. Rev Greg Alexander spoke in the evening on Acts 2: 42 – 47, ‘The Fellowship of the Believers’. Click here.