Dedication of the Church Council

On Sunday 29 February 2012 the Church Council was dedicated for their work and service within our church. For 2012 the members of the council are: Alan Gray – Circuit Steward, Stephen Yendall – Society Steward, Gina Neil – Church Treasurer, John...

Team On Mission

We give thanks to the God for the work of the Team On Mission as they visited our church from 15 – 22 January 2012. Peter, Michael, Bethany and Daire were kept very busy visiting and taking part in different groups and organisations throughout the week as well...

A Very Messy Christmas

A super crowd of children and young people enthusiastically joined in having a ‘very messy Christmas’ on Sunday 11 December. Have a look at some photos!

Oasis – Murder Mystery Night

On a very cold Monday evening, on 5 December 2011, a motley bunch of ‘church members’ met for a midweek meeting only to find themselves suspects in a shocking murder mystery! Can up pick out the ‘perp’ from the line-up?

Gift Aid

Gift Aid is a valuable source of income for our church.If you have not already signed up for Gift Aid please consider doing so. See Derek Cottney for more details or email