Into a new era!

Sunday 4 July 2010 saw Sydenham Methodist moving into a new era as we welcomed our new minister, Rev Karen Spence and her family. Karen, Tim, Rachel and Edwin We look forward to getting to know the family. Click here to find out a bit more about them now. We pray...

Sunday 27 June 2010 – sermons

Rev Greg Alexander preached at the morning service on Hebrews 12:1-13 and urged us to ‘fix our eyes on Jesus’. Click here. In the evening service the reading was taken from 2 Corinthians 13:11-14. “Finally, brothers, good-bye. Aim for perfection,...

This really was ‘good-bye’!

Sunday 27 June 2010 was the last Sunday with Rev Greg Alexander as our minister. Greg preached at both services; in the morning he urged us to ‘fix our eyes on Jesus’ and in the evening he preached on ‘The Grace’ that we often share with each...

Sunday 20 June 2010 – sermons

In the morning Rev Greg Alexander concluded a very busy service by delivering a 5 minute sermon at a rapid pace. He did proceed it with a warning for the congregation to fasten their seat belts! Click here. Shirley Alexander preached the sermon at the evening service,...

Fond Farewells

Sunday 20 June 2010 was our formal ‘good-bye’ to Greg and Shirley. During the service Brian Waring, Society Steward and Alan Gray, Circuit Steward, presented Greg and Shirley with a gift from the congregation; a cheque and a beautiful painting that Greg...