Fond Farewells

Sunday 20 June 2010 was our formal ‘good-bye’ to Greg and Shirley. During the service Brian Waring, Society Steward and Alan Gray, Circuit Steward, presented Greg and Shirley with a gift from the congregation; a cheque and a beautiful painting that Greg...

Annual Methodist Conference

The Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Ireland was held in our church from 10 – 13 June 2010. Over 300 people attended over the 4 days, from all over Ireland. This was the first time in the history of Sydenham Methodist that we hosted the conference....

The Sweeney Family

The Sweeney Family are moving on from Sydenham Methodist. On Sunday 6 June 2010 Greg presented David and Carol with a gift, and Jude Rainey gave the boys presents from Kidzone.  David, Ethan, Daniel, Carol and Aaron Read more about the family, and their...

Work Party

Saturday 5 June @ 9.30 am Many thanks to the army of people who dusted, brushed, mopped, vacummed, washed, scrubbed, tidied, gardened, went mad with screwdrivers and other power tools etc, etc, etc.

Revelation Worship Night

Session 2 of Revelation Worship took place on Friday 28 May 2010. It was another tremendous night of worship and praise with a very powerful message of God’s love for us no matter what. Thanks be to God for such an amazing opportunity to share together and for...

Last Men’s Breakfast of the year!

On Saturday 15 May 2010, 18 hungry men set off to Harlequins Rugby Club for a special farewell breakfast for Greg. Upon arrival we were ushered into a private side room, and with the sun beating in through the windows instead of the usual Corn flakes and toast we...